
Diamond is the eternal and most precious gemstone of the world. The name diamond was derived from an ancient Greek word, ‘adamas’ which means ‘invincible’. Diamond belongs to the class of native metals and is a member of the group of Carbon. Diamond is a ‘polymorph’ of carbon. It is marked by immense durability.

Physical Properties

Coming to its physical properties, it is known to be the hardest natural material to be found. It is known to have ‘four directions of cleavage’. If it is hit in any of these four directions, diamond will break easily. Its melting point is 3820K. Its density is measured as 10 in the Mohs hardness scale. It is also an excellent thermal conductor but is a poor conductor of electricity. It can be burnt if exposed to high temperature and oxygen together. It is marked with negative electron affinity due to which it resists water but easily accepts wax, grease and other hydrocarbons.

Uses of Diamond

Diamonds are most popularly used as gemstones for making jewelries from time immemorial because they form the finest ornaments. They have great significance in the industrial sectors also due to their toughness. They are used as appropriate cutting and milling instruments. Their industrial utility is further enhanced by the fact that diamonds are excellent abrasives.


  1. A diamond is extremely durable and sturdy, considering how slight and beautiful they are, and they can last a lifetime and ahead of if they are cared for properly. When cleaning your diamond, always make sure the sink drain is closed. As an additional precaution, place a washcloth over the closed drain.

    Diamond Jewelry

  2. There is no doubt that diamond is the eternal and most precious gemstone of the world. It can help you out to enter in a woman’s heart. Gifting diamond jewelry to your girlfriend will definitely fill her with joy.

    Wedding Rings
