
The Agate gemstone comes in a variety of colors and is nature’s gift to mankind. There is a popular notion that the special gemstone or mineral category called Agate acquired its name from the ancient name of river Drillo in the country of Sicily. This gemstone is specifically generated in eruptive rocks or in primeval lava zones. Formed with the main chemical composition of silica and chalcedony, this specific gemstone comes in several variants including riband agate, striped agate and banded agate. The Agate stones after cutting diagonally display sequences of analogue agate lines.

The other notable agate gemstone species are: Greek agate gemstones, Mexican agate gemstone, Botswana agate gemstone, Tube agate gemstone, Mexican crazy-lace agate gemstone, Fire agate gemstone, Montana Moss agate gemstone etc.

The agate gemstone incorporates several traditional concepts in various countries. These popular notions say that the Agate stone can act as a remedy to combat the stings of snakes and scorpions, can heal and comfort the mind, and can prevent the contraction of diseases.

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